66% use internet searches

More than half of adult internet search engine users turn to internet search to find information at least once a day, representing a 54% increase from 35% in 2004, according to survey results released in March 2012 by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Daily internet search use is highest among the 18-29 and 30-49 age groups (60%), college graduates (70%), and those with annual household income of more than $75k (68%). Overall, the proportion of online adults who use an internet search engine has risen to 91%, putting internet search on par with email use (92%) as the most popular online activities. Internet Search popularity mirrors its frequency of use: it is most used by 18-29-year-olds (96%) and college graduates (95%), with those groups also the most likely to say they used an internet search engine yesterday (66% and 74%, respectively).  Marketing Charts


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